Gwinnett Quilters' Guild

Guild Contact List

Please contact the Guild member via email at if you would like to volunteer to serve on a committee or have any questions about Guild sponsored activities.


Board of Directors
President Joyce Taylor
Vice President Karen Byers
Secretary  Pam Palmer
Treasurer Desiree Salter
Programs Kim Beasley
Committee Chairs
 Birthday Drawing  Sandy Griffin
Friendship Lucy Aikerson
Hospitality Nancy Jeffares
Publicity Margie Kersey
Directory Ginny Manning, Cheri Gilleland
Just For You  Joan Fisher
Librarian  Robin Richards
Membership Cheri Gilliland
Newsletter Lynn Harned
Photography Jean Coto
Quilts of Valor Ginny Manning
Retreat Lynn Harned
Show and Tell  Bobbi Cox
Small Bee Groups Carol Kreson
Website Paula Hess
Workshops Carolyn Prue