Birthday Drawing – The “Birthday Drawing” items are donated by the Guild members that have a birthday that month. Tickets for the drawing are 4 for $1.00 each! For some reason, visitors and new members are always very lucky -Good Luck!
Community Service Projects – The Guild has several Community Service projects serving the Atlanta area. The members donate quilts for the children’s hospital “Just For You”, Quilts of Valor quilts, Mommy Pads, Meals on Wheels place mats, canned food and household items and school related items, just to name a few.
Guild Fund Raiser – Since we are 501 (c) (4) non profit organization and operate through the collection of membership dues, we must from time to time raise funds to support our community service projects, guild activities and educational opportunities. Check out the latest way to financially support the Gwinnett Quilters’ Guild.
Guild Library – The Gwinnett Quilters’ Guild has an extensive lending library of more than 500 quilting books. Books are available to borrow for one month at a time with the option to renew for one additional month.The librarian will select and bring a sampling of library books to each meeting for your perusal.
You may want to browse the online Collection and request a specific book or books brought to the monthly Guild meeting. All requests need to be emailed to the librarian at least one week prior to the Guild meeting. For additional information see Librarylink.
Name Badges – Besides the Guild logo and the member’s name located on the front of the name badge, there also is room for award pins and ribbons! Members are recognized for Show and Tell, Tip of the Month, Quilter of the Month, Executive Board Member, Breast Cancer Pillows, and Just for You quilts!
Newsletter – A monthly newsletter “Gwinnett Quilters Gazette” is sent to all members electronically via email and is also posted on this site in the Newsletters Archive section.
Programs and Guest Speakers– Each month, the Guild provides a Program with a local or nationally recognized guest speaker, as well as Workshops and In House Education Sessions for the membership. Many topics, such as Trunk Shows, Modern Quilting, Journey in the Art of Quilts, Tools and Techniques and Authors of Quilt Books are presented in a given year.
Small Groups or Bees– Our Quilting Bees are composed of 2-15+ people with a common interest who meet on a regular basis to promote the art of quilting. Our Small Groups meet locally in homes, activity centers, churches, and quilt shops. The members of these Small Groups develop long lasting friendships, thus becoming the heart of the Guild. Any Guild member can start or join as many Small Groups as energy and commitment allow. All Guild members are encouraged to join in the fun!
Show and Tell – This monthly event showcases the work of the Guild members. Each individual receives a pin to adorn their Guild Name Badge!
Special Projects– Twice a year, the Guild has a mystery quilt project. At each Guild meeting, you are given written instructions and a supply list to complete the month’s block(s). At the end of the project term, each member can display it as part of Show and Tell! It is a great way to learn a new technique or block!