Gwinnett Quilters' Guild

Just for You

Just For You 2024-2025 

  1. I challenge each guild member to make “Just One”
  2. A big “Thank You” to those who have made and/ or quilted one or more in past years. You are amazing!
  3. Approved and/or suggested sizes:
    1. Child 30”- 45” X 40” – 55”
    2. Pre-Teen 35” – 50” X 45” – 60”
    3. Older Teen 45” – 60” X 65” – 76”
  4. Please use quality 100% cotton fabric, batting and tie or quilt no more than 4” apart. No wool due to potential allergy.
  5. Free PDF patterns, some kits, fabric and labels will be available at the Just for You table at guild each month.
  6. Ensure all seams are closed and binding is securely attached.
  7. Machine binding front and back is recommended. These go to children and will be used, washed, dried and cuddled frequently.


Joan’s Bonus Program

  1.  Monthly drawing for a free “Just 4 You” quilt long armed by me.
  2. For each quilt top you bring to the Just for You guild table — you get one chance in the monthly drawing.
  3. For each completed quilt, quilted and bound – you get 2 chances in the monthly drawing.
  4. However, you take your masterpiece home until our Just for You program scheduled for May 20, 2025.


Joan,  856-701-9143


The J4U Bee group experimented with glue basting with success.  I used Elmers’ SCHOOL glue (white), at both full strength and 50% glue/50% water.  Both worked.  I flipped half the top out of the way, then just dropped the glue on the batting about 3-4” apart, smoothed the top out, the way I wanted it to be.  Flipped the top/ batting over and repeated the process with the backing.  It needs to dry before folding or quilting- probably best overnight.  Glue spots do appear on the surface of the quilt, but it does not interfere with quilting and it WASHES out.  Use a washable surface to do the gluing on.  It is Much easier to quilt without having pins interfere or catch!

Recipient Email:

Hello! My name is Haley. I received a quilt from your donation to Scottish Rite almost 8 years ago. When I was 15, I had a pretty significant spinal operation and was really struggling at the time. The quilt I received (covered in puppies) brought me so much comfort. I still sleep with it every night and now so does my 2 year old. I realized today that it has your logo on it. I wanted to send you a sincere thank you for your donation! You brought me a lot of comfort during a time when not much could. I am sending y’all my biggest hugs! Thank you again, Haley Green


Just 4 You Poem

Just 4 You Quilt Patterns

Just 4 You Applique Patterns

Just 4 You Donation Summary